In a world where everything is going too fast, what about having an indulgent break? There is no age to let our imagination run free, so Pierrot Gourmand takes sweet lovers away in a wonderful journey to a fabulous world, for an enchanted break.
Iconic lollipop Pierrot Gourmand presents the new box.
Pour célébrer le 100ème anniversaire de sa sucette, Pierrot Gourmand lance un grand jeu concours photo.
N’attendez plus et tentez votre chance pour remporter des cadeaux exclusifs !
Iconic symbol of sweet treats, Pierrot Gourmand lollipop has deliciously gone through decades. What’s the secret of its reputation? Quality ingredients, traditional manufacturing, a hint of poetry and a great creativity! With its wood stick and its paper wrapper, it confirms its commitments towards environmental protection and delights sweet treat lovers of all generations.